Saturday Night Live thinks it’s pretty tough being John Boehner. Bill Hader revived his impression of the Republican House speaker, who according to the show, has been bullied relentlessly by his own party during recent fiscal cliff negotiations.
President Obama (Jay Pharoah) appears with Boehner at a press conference, to announce he has decided to give into all Republican demands, promising there will be no new taxes.
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The president had sought to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, but had a change of heart because of relentless bullying Boehner has been subjected to by Republicans because the house speaker was negotiating with the president.
It started with a rubber snake in Boehner’s desk and progressed to him being pushed into the ladies room, and having his pants and underwear stripped off.
“He had hand covering his genitals, the other trying to cover his butt crack. Neither hand succeeding,” Obama says in the press conference.
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Obama went on to say he tried to compromise with Republicans, agreeing to dissolve social security if the party would raise taxes on just the two wealthiest Americans. But when Boehner brought the deal to Republicans, they invited him to a fake pizza party and pelted him with rotten eggs.
“Republicans, you win. You get what you want,” Obama says in the sketch. “But you leave this man alone. You leave this poor, orange man alone.”
This week's episode is hosted by Jamie Foxx. We’ll post video as soon as it’s made available online.