Kristen Stewart Quotes Twisted Into Sensationalized Rupert Sanders Story

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(The Sun)

Kristen Stewart’s words have been twisted once again.

According to The Sun, “Kristen’s still in a Stew over director dalliance.”

The accompanying article claims that the Twilight actress says “everyone laughed at her” following her indiscretion with Rupert Sanders.

“I feel like I’m in the sixth grade and everyone in the room is laughing at me,” Stewart is quoted as saying, purportedly in the context of the Sanders situation.

Except that’s NOT AT ALL what Stewart’s remarks referenced.

As Gossip Cop reported, the actress recently spoke to USA Today — where The Sun lifted the quotes, failing to give attribution — and Stewart was talking generally about formal press appearances when she made the “sixth grade” comparison.

Here’s the actual context.

But apparently a careful reading of the interview is less attractive to The Sun than publishing a sensationalized, inaccurate version.

Sadly, posting false Stewart stories is nothing new for The Sun.

We’re not too hopeful about things being different in 2013.

PHOTOS: Kristen’s Style Evolution

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