Gay Radio Hosts Turn Hate Into A Message Of Hope

After a billboard was vandalized twice, Craig Olsen and Robbie Laughlin of “The Craig & Robbie Hour” opted to have a local artist turn the defamation into a “message of hope.”

Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times


First erected in July, the radio show's billboard near the corner of Beverly Boulevard and La Brea Avenue was covered in purple paint over the summer. The replacement was later pelted with paintballs in November. But after the second hate crime, co-host Craig Olsen opted not to have the advertisement reprinted. Instead, he commissioned artist Jaime Ochoa to turn the hate into a piece of art.

"I wanted to turn this [gay] hate crime into a positive message for the community," Olsen tells FishbowlLA.

The investigation following the November vandal has resulted in no leads. While Olsen remains on edge, he's clearly more confident now that the billboard has been enhanced by the artwork. The co-host is reminding people in the neighborhood that "[they] belong here."

"It's almost like my holiday card to my community," he tells the Los Angeles Times while being photographed in front of the billboard. "I want the person who did this to walk by and see that I made it better."


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