BuzzFeed Answers The 15 Big Entertainment Questions Of 2012

From James Bond to Glee to Lisa Vanderpump's Pomeranian Giggy, the question marks were everywhere this year. We jumped in to solve the mysteries.

1. Who Were Hollywood's Most Unforgettable Characters of 2012?

1. Who Were Hollywood's Most Unforgettable Characters of 2012?

From Fat Amy to a 85-year-old sushi chef to an obsessed terrorist hunter, 2012 gave us some amazing personalities. We rounded up the year's best.

2. How Did James Bond Finally Make It to the Big Leagues?

2. How Did James Bond Finally Make It to the Big Leagues?

At age 50, the oldest film franchise in history suddenly leaped from the middle lists to the ranks of modern box-office giants. We explain how this late-in-life growth spurt happened.

3. Is the Oscars' Dream Couple Secretly Kaput?

3. Is the Oscars' Dream Couple Secretly Kaput?

Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal's Zero Dark Thirty media blitz: They've broken up. Kate Aurthur broke the story of the stealth split on the awards trail.

4. Are the Nerds Ruining America?

4. Are the Nerds Ruining America?

From Nate Silver to Breaking Bad fanatics, we've become a nation of micro-critics, obsessive on the details but, perhaps, missing the big picture. We look at how this phenomenon is changing our cultural landscape high and low.

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