Much like a secret agent, Kris Kringle is a man of many names.
Santa Claus - North America
Clad in a red suit, Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. Every Christmas Eve, he travels the world giving present to good children from his magical sleigh pulled by nine reindeer.
Papa Noel - Brazil
Papa Noel and his helpers hide presents throughout the houses of good children on Christmas Eve. Traditionally kids serve their parents breakfast in bed before they begin to hunt down their gifts.
Sinterklaas - The Netherlands
Sinterklaas arrives via steamboat from Spain in mid-November. On the evening of December 5th, children leave a shoe in front of the fireplace or the backdoor with a carrot for his magical horse. Presents are scattered around the house with a note saying where to look.
St. Nicholas - Germany
Identical to Sinterklaas in almost every way, St. Nicholas of Myra is the historical basis for many current Christmas traditions. A 4th century Greek saint, St. Nick was well known for his love of secret gift-giving.