‘Vampire Diaries’: Elena’s Confession Changes the Game

The Vampire Diaries "We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes" Bridge

The CW

[Warning: Major spoilers from Thursday's episode.]

A big shift happened on The Vampire Diaries, and it came in the form of a confession.

But first, who said killing was easy? Following her first kill, Elena struggles to turn off the hallucinations that cause her to do some questionable and dangerous things, including accidentally stabbing her own brother in the neck with a knife. (Thankfully, he's wearing his life-saving ring. Whew.) But it's the emphasis on the following line, from Connor, Katherine and her mother, that stirs her the most: "You're a monster, Elena. You deserve to die."

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The visions and inner torment eventually leads Elena to the bridge, the place that changed her life forever -- twice. As Klaus informs Elena's friends -- and by extension, us the viewer -- her hallucinations will cause her to take her own life. But as she looks down on the deep, dark water without her daylight ring, Elena begins to reel herself back in -- for Jeremy's sake, she tells herself. It's moments later that Damon meets her on the deserted road, to save her from herself: "Didn't take a genius to figure it out. Third time's a charm." As a new day breaks and Elena's skin begins to burn in the bright sunlight, it's Damon who ultimately saves her.

The following morning, Elena -- free of the cloudiness in her head -- and Damon have a little conversation about the events that transpired just hours prior. Though the Damon of yesteryear would have jumped at the chance to make a move on Elena, he takes a "very high, annoying road," revealing why Stefan's been lying all along. "There may be a way out of this for you, Elena," Damon says. "There may be a cure."

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Stefan drops by Elena's house and the two have a deep conversation about their relationship -- and ultimately, Damon. "Why did you send Damon to come look for me instead of you?" Elena asks. "I sent him because lately it seems like he's been able to get through to you in ways I can't. You'll listen to him. You trust him, even when you can't trust me," Stefan says. "I didn't mean to not --," she says before getting interrupted. "After everything you've been through, you can admit it," Stefan replies.

"Something's changed between Damon and me, much more than it ever used to be. It's like everything that I felt for him before as a vampire --," Elena confesses. "Your feelings for him have been magnified," Stefan answers for her.

The scene with the two on the porch of the Gilbert house is both heartbreaking and enlightening. Now that Elena and Stefan's relationship is over (it feels rather finite, doesn't it?), what does this latest development mean for the Salvatores' relationship and would Elena even dare try things out with Damon so soon after? It's safe to assume things won't be that simple.

Below are some other observations from Thursday's "We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes":

  • Welcome to the game, Jeremy the Vampire Slayer.
  • Who else cheered when Katherine made her return, even if it was all in Elena's head?
  • Interestingly, Tyler and Caroline pretend to be in cahoots to fool Klaus, but by the end of the episode, that may actually come to fruition.
  • Who should be Damon's new drinking buddy? He's been awfully picky.
  • Professor Shane's motives sure sounds a lot like the tale of Silas.

The Vampire Diaries airs 8 p.m. Thursdays on The CW.

E-mail: Philiana.Ng@thr.com
Twitter: @insidethetube

Philiana Ng