The Definitive Ranking Of Things That Make You Happy

Money, friends, sex: Modern science has uncovered many factors that contribute to happiness. We've developed a definitive ranking, in descending order, of the things most likely to make you glad.



According to an extremely scientific survey by soft drink Appletiser, getting a compliment put 41% of women in a better mood, making compliments more reliable happiness agents than chocolate or sex. And in another, more legit study, college students got more satisfaction from compliments than from sex, money, or drinking. Therefore, in our patent-pending happiness ranking system, compliments are No. 1.




According to a new study by Carsten Grimm of the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, which surveyed people by text message to see when they were happiest, sex is the most pleasurable human activity (apparently this is still true even when it's interrupted by a text message). A similar study last year also found sex to be the most enjoyable.

Source: Nixx Photography  /  via:



Whether chocolate is a bigger mood-booster than sex is a perennial pop-science question. A 2011 survey found that women would prefer great sex to free chocolate — but another survey found that 52% of women chose chocolate rather than sex when they wanted to "treat themselves" (no word on how they felt about crystal beetles or cashmere). And a third found that 39% of single women would rather go without sex for a year than give up their favorite food, although that favorite food could be anything — one accompanying photo shows a woman ripping apart some raw tuna. So the evidence regarding sex and chocolate is inconclusive: We're calling it a draw.

Via: alexleo



Several studies actually link drinking to happiness, which will come as no surprise to drunk people. Grimm found that drinking alcohol was actually the second most pleasurable activity, after sex. And in another study, college students who reported binge-drinking were actually happier than non-binge-drinkers. Also, those who don't drink at all may be at higher risk of depression than moderate drinkers. Basically, science is telling you drinking is awesome.


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