1:45 pm, November 16th, 2012
‘Tis the season for holiday novelty songs of questionable merit!
Last week, Nicole Westbrook gave the world “It’s Thanksgiving,” and now it’s time for… the Roctuplets?
Yes, “Octomom” Nadya Suleman is expanding beyond stripping and porn and into the music market by having her famous octuplets (and her six other kids) record something called “I’m Ready for Christmas.”
The rehabbing mom’s tykes sing a (catchy?) tune that’s sure to challenge John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John for the hearts and ears of the world this Christmas.
Suleman says proceeds from the single will be put toward a college trust for her 14 children.
Check out a music video preview for the Roctuplets’ “I’m Ready for Christmas” here!
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