NFL Analyst Says Black Player Ran Like "He Was Chasing That Bucket Of Chicken"

This is awkward.


Let me set the scene. Noted nonsense-spewer Terry Bradshaw was calling a highlight of Reggie Bush breaking a touchdown run when his brain began searching for metaphors. "What is Reggie Bush running like?" Terry's brain asked itself. "Is he running like a dog chasing a car? Or is this run more like a runaway train jumping the tracks? Oh, I know...I got the perfect metawhatever for this play."

And then he said that Bush was running like he was chasing a bucket of chicken.

Terry does add "that the wind was blowing the other day" while addressing Jimmy Johnson, so I'm sure this is some weird inside joke between Terry and Jimmy, and not anything actually racist. But a word of wisdom to Mr. Bradshaw: Maybe don't use a "bucket of chicken" metaphor with a black player. Just a thought.

H/T Matt Yoder at Awful Announcing.

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