CLAIM: Lady Gaga “Obsessed” with “Searching Herself” on Google

Truth rating: 1


Lady Gaga is “approaching Howard Hughes levels of fixation on her Google results,” says Star.


According to a source for the tabloid, “No matter where she is in the world, Gaga makes sure she is awake at 9 a.m. New York time so she can read all her Google Alerts for the day.”

The tabloid notes that even though the singer has “never been the quiet type, even her closest friends are shocked at her desperate need for attention.”

“She’s become completely caught up in her own cult of personality and doesn’t seem to know who she is anymore,” claims the supposed “source,” adding, “It’s unhealthy.”

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Star further states that Gaga is allegedly “so anxious about being forgotten, she’s started believing that all press is good press.”

The mag’s so-called “tipster” explains, “She doesn’t even care if people are talking smack about her, so long as they are talking about her.”

“People were calling her fat for weeks, and she was thrilled because she was trending on Google — and that’s all she cares about,” says the alleged insider.

Let’s get this straight.

Star would like us to believe that an extremely busy pop star gets up at any hour of the day, wherever she is in the world, to comb through what is likely thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of Google Alerts?

That seems… unlikely.

Still, Gossip Cop checked with a rep for Gaga, who tells us the magazine’s story is 100 percent “untrue.”

Maybe Star should search for more accurate information.

PICS: Lady Gaga Shows Support for Anti-Bullying Campaign

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