6 Athletes Who Will Steal Your Lunch Money And Then Invite You To Play Dungeons & Dragons

Who says professional jocks can't be geeks?

'90s movies would have you believe that jocks and geeks exist on mutually exclusive planes. But what happens when an athlete not only plays World of Warcraft, but talks about it proudly in interviews? Here are six star athletes whose surprisingly geeky hobbies make them seem a little more human and less demigod-ish. They're not dorky in the way sorority girls say "I'm suuuuch a dork." They're actual mega-dorks.

Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes

Yes, that’s the Zelda Tri-force logo inscribed on WWE wrestler Cody Rhodes’ boots. He’s also happy to explain to you why he has unfinished business with Shadow Link.

"Some kids like books, some kids like movies, but for me, every year I still go back and play ‘Legend of Zelda,’” he said to ESPN. "I don't know if it's Link or if it's Zelda with the pointy little ears. I remember thinking as a kid that she was pretty hot."

Lance Briggs

Lance Briggs

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