"The Vampire Diaries"
Matt and Rebekah aren't exactly on the best of terms; after all, she did run him off the road in the season three finale. But, in a new sneak peek from next week's The Vampire Diaries, the Original vampire is going to do all she can to get on his good side.
Rebekah approaches one of Mystic Falls' last remaining humans -- or so it seems -- in the school hallway and makes a cheery attempt at small talk (translation: a party invite) by his locker. Strip away the supernatural element of the show and this scene reads like a normal high school flick, with the girl trying to get the popular jock to pay attention to her.
STORY: 'Vampire Diaries': 12 Top Moments From 'Memorial'
Matt's not over the traumatic, life-changing events of the finale, as one shouldn't be, and continues to give blondie the silent treatment. Her last ditch effort for him to cave in? Admitting the following: "I never wanted to hurt you." Unfortunately for her, their encounter doesn't go according to plan.
What's Rebekah's Plan B?
Watch the scene below and sound off in the comments:
The Vampire Diaries airs 8 p.m. Thusdays on The CW.
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