President Obama Talks Fifty Shades of Grey & Debate “Off Night” with Jon Stewart



President Obama discusses “Fifty Shades of Grey” and his “off night” in the first presidential debate on Thursday’s “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.”

The Commander-in-Chief sits for two segments of roughly seven minutes apiece with Stewart, who last interviewed Obama in October 2010.

In the first light moment between Obama and Stewart, the host holds up two pictures of First Lady Michelle Obama — one in which she looked angry, one in which she was smiling — and asks the President, “Do you know which debate was which?”

Smiling, Obama replies, “Cute. Cute, Jon,” then acknowledging that his widely-criticized performance in the first debate was an “off night” and that the “presentation was not the way it needed to be.”

In the second segment, Stewart reportedly asks Obama how often Vice President Joe Biden comes to a meeting in a wet bathing suit.

“We had to stop that,” jokes the President. “I gotta say, though, he looks pretty good.”

Later, during a discussion of changes that administration has made to the wiretapping program, Obama told Stewart, “They aren’t sexy issues.”

When Stewart responds, “You don’t know what I find sexy,” Obama is quoted as saying, “I know what you’ve been reading,” in reference to an earlier segment in which Stewart talked about erotic bestseller “Fifty Shades of Grey.”

There is not yet video of the exchange, but Gossip Cop will update when it becomes available.

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