Mitt Romney Cancels Appearance on ‘The View’

Mitt Romney Tan - H 2012

For now, Mitt Romney won't risk the chance of being criticized on air by View hosts.

This morning, Barbara Walters informed The View audience that the Republican nominee had cancelled his appearance on the show, citing "scheduling problems" and saying he couldn't rework his schedule.

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"I think there are some people who think we favored the Obamas, but they have been on the program separately and together," Walters said. "And Gov. Romney was supposed to be on with us this Thursday with Ann Romney. We were looking forward to it."

"Over the weekend, his people said that he had scheduling problems and would not be coming on with us, nor at this point did he feel that he could reschedule," she stated, adding that she hoped that Romney would consider changing his mind. 

A campaign spokesperson said in a statement to ABC News that the appearance "was no longer going to work in the campaign schedule but Mrs. Romney is very excited to join the ladies of The View" this Thursday. President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama made a joint appearance on the ABC show on September 24, which garnered 4.3 million viewers. 

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In Romney's infamous "47 Percent" leaked fundraising video, the candidate didn't have altogether flattering words to describe the show. In the video, after noting that he had appeared on The View twice, he said that the chat show "is fine" but that it "is high risk because of the five women on it, only one is conservative."

Erik Hayden