MAG: Tom Cruise Gives Scientology “Black Eye” By Missing Fundraiser

Truth rating: 1


“Is Tom Cruise, Scientology’s most high-profile emissary, ready to cut ties with the controversial religion that appears to be driving a wedge between him and his 6-year-old daughter, Suri?” asks In Touch.

The magazine, picking up on discredited rumors while also completely contradicting its own story from just two weeks ago, interprets Cruise’s absence from a recent Scientology fundraiser as a “powerful statement” against the faith, and an indication he might be leaving it.

“Tom not being there is a public black eye” for Scientology, explains an In Touch source.

The tabloid explains that if Cruise stays with the church, he’s expected to “shun” Katie Holmes in the wake of their divorce.

“Complete separation from his daughter is inescapable,” claims a so-called “expert” for the magazine.

Except… that’s absolutely NOT true.

In fact, Cruise just sued for $50 million over similarly false claims that he’d “abandoned” Suri.

The tabs are obsessed with the notion that he is being forced to choose between his daughter and Scientology, and the allegations continue to be totally wrong.

Cruise did not “snub” Scientology by missing one event, despite what In Touch might believe.

A rep for Cruise tells Gossip Cop the mag’s speculation is “all false.”

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