Lance Armstrong Will Be Burned In Effigy In England

This might be an overreaction, England.

Image by The Associated Press / AP

Every year a crazy group of English people that call themselves the Edenbridge Bonfire Society gather together around the time of Guy Fawkes Night to set off fireworks, burn effigies of famous people and presumably watch "V For Vendetta."

In the wake of the Lance Armstrong doping scandal, the former seven-time Tour de France champion was voted by the people to be burned this year. A 30-foot likeness of Armstrong has been erected in Edenbridge (about 35 miles southeast of London), holding a sign that says "FOR SALE: Racing bike / no longer required." Also considered for the honor to be burned (and English bookies took bets on this) were soccer players John Terry (6/1), Luis Suarez (10/1) and Ashley Cole (12/1), as well as George Osborne, a conservative British politician (4/1).

Stay weird, England.

(via The Telegraph)

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