17-year-old Ryan Anderson is another victim of Boy Scouts of America's controversial anti-gay policy. “It was by far the biggest goal of my life. It's totally devastating.”
Ryan Anderson of Troop 212 in Morgara, Calif., has been a Boy Scout for 12 years. He stayed with the organization even after coming out as gay at 16. But he was denied the chance to rise rank to an Eagle Scout.
The Boy Scouts of America's decision was consistent with its "Youth Leadership" policy statement: "In the unlikely event that an older boy were to hold himself out as homosexual, he would not be able to continue in a youth leadership position."
Anderson told Yahoo! his scoutmaster knew he was gay.
Via: news.yahoo.com
Anderson's project to become an Eagle Scout involved building a Tolerance Wall at a middle school. He collected 288 ceramic tiles with anti-bullying messages.
Via: news.yahoo.com