Britney Spears “Banned” From Using Internet During Sam Lufti Case?

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(The Sun)

Britney Spears has been banned from the internet as her darkest days are played out in court,” begins a piece in The Sun.

The British tab claims that her dad Jamie and fiancé Jason Trawick made the decision to bar Spears from using the Web because they fear “she could suffer another breakdown” during the case brought by Sam Lufti, who alleges he was wrongfully blamed in Lynne Spears’ book as the cause of the singer’s past problems.

A so-called “source” for The Sun says, “Britney has been banned from reading about the trial for her own good. They are trying to protect her from all this. It will be terrible for her recovery if she reads about her worst days all over again.”

For real?


Her rep tells Gossip Cop the claim is “completely not true.”

And another source says her manager Larry Rudolph has been at her home several times in the last few days while “she has been on the computer.”

As they say in computer speak, The Sun’s report… bytes.

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