Brian Williams Granted Exclusive Access to President Obama on Campaign Trail

Barack Obama

NBC's newest star is none other than President Obama.

After announcing that the commander in chief will appear on the Tonight Show on Wednesday, the network then revealed that NBC News cameras will accompany Obama on a tour of seven swing states; anchor Brian Williams will interview the president at one point during the trip, as well.

Footage from the exclusive event -- Obama has yet to give such extensive access to any other network -- will be spread throughout NBC's broadcasts. Clips will appear on The Nightly News on Wednesday, Oct. 24, and both the evening newscast and the Today Show on Thursday, Oct. 25. A bulk of the footage will air on Thursday night's Rock Center.

Williams has been outspoken at his distaste for the way the campaign has been covered, though confident in NBC's offerings.

"It's all out there, all that coverage is out there," he told Jon Stewart in August. "And we've been covering substantive issues all this time. And wait until people get a bite out of his voting record, as we reported on last night. Wait till more people understand the vote on TARP. Wait till we get down the road."

Jordan Zakarin