Well there's your problem. Plus another wave of fish are dying in mass and there is going to be a Sopranos movie but it's not what you think.
Tens of thousands of dead fish and birds eerily washed up on the shores of Lake Eerie yesterday. - [HuffingtonPost]
Kristen Stewart is still wearing Rob's clothes, plus a finger splint? - [PopSugar]
Joss Whedon talks about how making Much Ado About Nothing turned him into a better filmmaker. - [Vulture]
The top 10 proposed NFL combat uniforms from Nike are way better than what they actually ended up using. - [BleacherReport]
Hold up, the Sopranos movie is going to be on Nickelodeon!? - [Esquire]
Researcher release mounting evidence that shows pot really does fight cancer, not just the side effects of chemo. - [TheDailyBeast]
What the most boring test in the world says about humans, motivation and IQ. - [Slate]
Headline Story: The 16 foot python somehow managed to worm its way under the hood of the car of one South African couple. - [DailyMail]