Ryan Lochte’s Sister Is A Crazy Racist

This is uncomfortable.

Megan Lochte made waves in London, by being an attractive woman sitting on Ryan Lochte's lap. TMZ published a photo of them with the headline "Breaststroke, Anyone?" Then everyone realized that it was Ryan's sister and immediately agreed to forget that we had temporarily turned our Olympic douchesweetheart into the creepy incestual Luke Skywalker that George Lucas made us deal with in Empire Strikes Back.

Turns out, there were other, way more disgusting reasons to ignore Megan. For instance, she's a horrible racist. This interview is from shortly after she returned from the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, and in it, she seems to really be enjoying a certain epithet for Chinese people.

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Who would have thought that Douche King (capital letters, because that's a title) Ryan Lochte, was actually the sane, kind member of the family?

Source: youtube.com

A Sampling Of Lochte's "Insight" On China:

A Sampling Of Lochte's "Insight" On China:

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