Truth rating: 0
6:18 pm, August 1st, 2012
“The Church of Scientology has its sights set on Robert Pattinson to take over the role as the organization’s top celebrity after Tom Cruise’s quickie divorce from Katie Holmes caused major embarrassment for the controversial religion,” reports the National Enquirer.
We’re not joking: The magazine actually printed this story on Wednesday, with real ink and everything.
And it’s being picked up by other outlets!
According to the tabloid’s “insiders,” Kirstie Alley is “spearheading the efforts to lure” Pattinson into Scientology.
An “eyewitness” claims Alley’s white Lexus Hybrid SUV entered Pattinson’s property on July 25, and then went directly to Scientology’s Celebrity Centre in Hollywood.
Here’s the priceless quote from the Enquirer spy: “I didn’t get a good look at the driver except that I noticed that the person had a lot of hair — so it was probably female.”
Is the Enquirer even trying anymore?
The tabloid quotes a Scientology observer explaining why Pattinson would be a good candidate to become the religion’s most visible member: “He’s young, he’s talented and he’s got a lot of money. Rob’s like a young Tom Cruise. He would appeal to younger people in a way that older celebrities, such as Cruise and John Travolta, might not.”
All of that might be true — but NONE of the Enquirer story is.
Multiple sources tell Gossip Cop the tab’s tale of Scientology actively recruiting Pattinson is 100% false.
One person close to Alley called the story “laughable” and pointed out that the actress was not even in California on the day the magazine claims she paid Pattinson a visit at his house — she was in Maine.
It’s just another all-around epic fail for the Enquirer.
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