Hobo Name Generator

What's your hobo name? It's the first and most important step towards a life of riding the rails.

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What’s Your Hobo Name?

1. Use the month you were born in to find your first name...

January = Kentucky
February = Mississippi
March= Tennessee
April = Dakota
May = Missouri
June = Minnesota
July = Alabama
August = Arizona
September = Utah
October = Colorado
November = Montana
December = Nevada

2. Use your first initial to find your middle name...

A = Boxcar
B = Fry-pan
C = Downtown
D = Fly-trap
E = Railcar
F = Rails
G = Old-Timer
H = Longbeard
I = Hobo
J = Bindle
K = Big Time
L = Bandit
M = Curly
N = Cadillac
O = Coal Car
P = Deadhead
Q = Wings
R = Hammerhead
S = Tiny
T = Good Times
U = River Boat
V = Fire Pit
W = Lightnin’
X = Thunder
Y = Patch
Z = Pig Train

3. Use your last initial to find your last name...

A = Slim
B = Smith
C = Charlie
D = Boothe
E = Bob
F = Larry
G = Jim
H = Mike
I = Chuck
J = Bo
K = Pete
L = Legend
M = Don
N = McGee
O = Schmidt
P = Eddie
Q = Brad
R = Russ
S = Joe
T= Tuck
U = Dan
V = Igor
W = Drew
X = Groucho
Y = Kev
Z = Zippy


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