The ongoing Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon has left publicists all over the country scrambling to find connections between their products and the books. Now everything vaguely sexy is being sold as Fifty Shades -themed. Some examples…
A BDSM social network.
iTaboo, "a free BDSM social network for adults with kinky fetishes," name-checked the books in an emailed release: "With the series 'Fifty Shades of Grey' selling 10 million copies in 37 countries the new phenomena of fetishes and kink culture is becoming a hot topic in the media and entertainment industries. Growing at 150 members a day the iTaboo community has welcomed people in all walks of life to be free to nurture their desires and engage with like-minded people worldwide."
A nonfiction book about sex.
A press release billed Amy Winter's The Sex Habits of Americans: The Inside Story about What Everyone Else Is Doing Behind Closed Doors as "fifty shades of America." The book apparently includes factoids on what Americans do in the bedroom (64% have sex once a week) and what they like in there (55% of women are turned on by being bitten). No word on what percentage enjoy ben-wa balls or the Red Room of Pain.
A porn site.
YouPorn [NSFW] recently let us know that fans of the trilogy simply can't wait for the movie: "still a long time from reaching the silver screen, choked-up readers have turned to internet pornography sites for an up-close-and-personal look at BDSM and bondage-related videos." Searches for “domination,” “sex slave,” “master” and “sadism” are apparently up.