Why wouldn't someone take advantage of US tax laws if they could? Also, you may have Drunkorexia.
Image by Ian West / AP
JCPenney wants you to say goodbye to the checkout counter. - [Time]
Surprise! Incredibly stylish people have incredibly stylish homes! - [Flavorwire]
The star of Nickelodean's Hollywood Heights Justin Wilczynski takes some time out to post for the camera in Downtown LA. - [Just Jared]
It's silly to ask why Mitt Romney would take advantage of US foreign tax laws. - [The Daily Beast]
Drunkorexia is actually a thing. - [Gurl]
These Bat Gadgets are so lonely because they never get used. - [College Humor]
Stretch Armstrong has finally found a director and is slated to come out in 2014. - [Vulture]
The best way to get people to voluntarily cram into something is if you make it some kind of record. - [Oddee]
Headline Story: The Spice Girls have been penned to close this year's Summer Olympics. - [The Hollywood Reporter]