Teens To Stage Demonstration Outside "Teen Vogue" Headquarters

This follows the magazine's denial that they photoshop models to unrealistic proportions — something the teens have been protesting in the hope of turning “real girls” into “the new standard of beauty.”

Source: makeupbag.net

Last week the group of teenagers that launched a successful campaign to get Seventeen to cut back on digital retouching it its pages made the same demands of Teen Vogue.
Teen Vogue issued the following statement in response to the petition, which currently has 25,000 signatures and counting on Change.org:

Teen Vogue makes a conscious and continuous effort to promote a positive body image among our readers. We feature healthy models on the pages of our magazine and shoot dozens of non-models and readers every year and do not retouch them to alter their body size. Teen Vogue pledges to continue this practice.

The Change.org petition reads, "Teen Vogue: Follow Seventeen’s example and pledge not to alter any model’s body or face and to celebrate beauty in all its forms." In the four days since BuzzFeed Shift last posted on this story, the petition has accrued 10,000 additional signatures.

Tomorrow, Emma Stydahar, 17, and Carina Cruz, 16, will deliver a box of these signatures to Teen Vogue executives and stage a "mock fashion shoot" outside the magazine's Times Square headquarters, much like the protest their friend Julia Bluhm led outside Seventeen's offices. As of Tuesday, the magazine has not responded to them directly regarding their campaign.

“We’re glad Teen Vogue says they don’t Photoshop, but we want them to say it where it matters, in the pages of their magazine,” Stydahar states in a release about the protest. She and Cruz hope to meet with the magazine's editor-in-chief Amy Astley on Wednesday to "discuss if and when they’ll let their readers know that they’ll commit to not altering faces and body sizes and to including diversity in their pages.”

Carina and Emma.

Photo courtesy of Change.org.


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