Pay Phones Turned Into Creepy Art And Other Links

Now that we all have cell phones, the city has to do something with all those phone booths. Also, Jane Fonda talks old people lovin' and NYC apartments are getting comically small.

When it comes to nostalgia love, Nintendo gets it all. WELL NO MORE. Let's look at 25 awesome Sega Genesis games. - [Dorkly]

Jane Fonda swears sex is way better at 74 than us young people can possible imagine. - [NYPost]

If you're lucky, and throwing a party in August, you may get crashed by Bill Murray. Guess he's garnering votes for "Best Human In History" again. - [DeathAndTaxes]

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Independence Day 2 has a script!? - [FilmDrunk]

As per the last link, you know how Hollywood seems creatively bankrupt and sucks now? Well, it's all your fault. - [Cracked]

The best "unimpressed" memes the Internet can buy. - [Oddee]

Everyone calm down. Now that Beyonce has approved Frank Ocean's homosexuality, we can all stop wringing our hands in impotent distress. - [HLN]

Reddit users get off the Internet and into Central Park. - [NYMag]

New York City to introduce 300 square foot apartments in a bid to make claustrophobes and people with furniture flee the city. - [DailyMail]

Headline Story: 32 more strange, artsy pay phones, including a lot of them stuck into the hollowed out torso of animals. - [TheChive]


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