Truth rating: 0
5:31 pm, July 26th, 2012


“Jake’s in a Love Triangle,” reads the headline of a Star story about Jake Gyllenhaal.
According to the tabloid, Gyllenhaal “thinks he’s finally found The One,” Dakota Johnson, the actress daughter of Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson.
There’s one problem: The magazine says Johnson has “strong feelings” for another man, actor Jordan Masterson.
A so-called “insider” is quoted as saying, “Jake is totally smitten,” adding that despite Johnson being interested in Masterson, Gyllenhaal’s “been calling or texting every day and laying on the charm.”
So, what’s Gyllenhaal going to do?
Uh, nothing.
Which is the same thing he’s done for the past 9 or so months.
A Gyllenhaal pal was beyond confused by Star’s story, telling Gossip Cop that the whole tale is “bulls**t,” and that the actor briefly met Johnson once almost a year ago, and has had zero contact with her since.
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