MAG: Angelina Jolie Threatens to Call Off Wedding Because of Jane Pitt’s Politics

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Angelina Jolie is ready to call off her wedding to fiancé Brad Pitt over an anti-gay letter his mother sent to a local newspaper,” reports the National Enquirer.

The tabloid recounts how Jane Pitt wrote a letter to the News-Leader of Springfield, Missouri opposing same-sex marriage and abortion, and expressing support for Mitt Romney over President Obama in November’s election.

As the Enquirer rightly points out, those conservative opinions “stand in stark contrast” to those of her famous son and his bride-to-be.

And that’s where the magazine breaks free from reality.

“Angie told Brad that he better talk to his mom immediately and straighten her out… or else the wedding is off!” a so-called “source” tells the Enquirer.

Um… what?

“Another insider” explains that Jolie’s “greatest concern” is that Jane Pitt will treat the couple’s six-year-old daughter Shiloh “differently” than the couple’s other five kids “because Shiloh acts like a tomboy.”

Hold on a second.

Jolie is threatening to call off her wedding because she’s worried Jane Pitt will mistreat Shiloh?

Our minds are sufficiently boggled by how absurd this all is.

The Enquirer has been wrong about Jolie and Pitt SO often, and in SO many different ways (in just the last couple of weeks alone), we’re surprised when the supermarket tab finds a fresh angle to mess up.

Jane Pitt expressed her personal beliefs in a letter to the local newspaper.


Jolie’s own father, Jon Voight, has views that differ from his daughter and her fiancé.

No one is calling off the wedding due to politics.

We’re not sure if this is the Enquirer’s lame attempt to explain why its own “wedding plans” for the couple were totally bogus, but suggesting that Jane Pitt has an issue with her granddaughter Shiloh is about as ridiculous as the mag has ever sounded — and that’s saying something.

A source close to the family calls the tabloid’s story “100% fabrication.”

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