Jessica Biel Fears Justin Timberlake Will Cheat Before Wedding?

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“Jessica’s Wedding Nightmare,” blares a headline from the National Enquirer, which claims Jessica Biel is consumed with fear that Justin Timberlake “will cheat” before their upcoming wedding.

The mag says Biel is so worried her fiancé will stray before their big day that she “jetted” to his Runner, Runner movie set in Puerto Rico “just to keep tabs” on him.

According to “sources” for the mag, Biel “flew to Justin’s side” because “she fears another woman will try to steal him away before their wedding.”

One of these alleged insiders says, “Jessica worries because Justin is such a flirt,” noting that Timberlake “is a charmer who can’t help but attract stunning girls.”

Adds the so-called “source,” “She feels that she needs to keep tabs on him before their big way. She doesn’t want her dream wedding ruined!”

OK, but what about after the wedding?

Are Biel’s supposed suspicions just going to magically disappear once the couple has tied the knot?

This story makes ZERO sense.

If Biel was so worried about Timberlake cheating on her, then she wouldn’t be marrying him in the first place.

A source close Biel laughed off the ridiculous story to Gossip Cop, telling us, “She went to Puerto Rico to visit him. That’s it.”

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