They're just photoshopping what we're all thinking. Also, heroic movie deaths that benefitted no one and Drew Brees just sign a huge contract.
Famous events that took place on Friday the 13th. - [HLN]
5 heroic movie deaths that helped no one. - [Cracked]
Somehow horse racing has no oversight and gets special privileges under the law but Congress wants to change all that. - [TheDailyBeast]
Tom Cruise may not have to give Katie a red cent for herself but Suri is making out like a bandit. - [NYPost]
The dumbest study on video game violence you'll (hopefully) ever see. - [GammaSquad]
Work enforced cleanses: Good idea or mandatory starvation? - [NYMag]
Hey guys, why does getting hit the balls hurt so much? - [MentalFloss]
Politicians banned from speaking, and thus politicizing, the 9/11 memorial ceremony. - [DeathAndTaxes]
Drew Brees signs $100 million contract. - [SportsIllustrated]
Headline Story: Check out 6 more summer blockbusters get the satire treatment. - [Flavorwire]