Somehow, they seem to be the top offenders of people who don't understand how to use Twitter.
Why are people whose Twitter bios claim to be "social media gurus" always the worst at actually using it? A lot of these so-called experts keep making a rookie mistake: beginning a tweet with a username, not realizing that means only mutual followers can see the tweet.
While I'm very sympathetic to accidental typos, this is more of a fundamental misunderstanding of how Twitter works. For those cases where you need to begin a sentence with a username, the typical trick is to toss in a period first, i.e. ".@BuzzFeed is my favorite site."
Tweets with this misunderstanding are sent all the time, but I just couldn't escape them today as I was browsing through responses to this morning's scandal with the official @sweden twitter feed. Sheesh!
Here are tweets made by people whose bios claim to have some fluency or skill in social media, that will only ever been seen by the few (if any) of their mutual followers with @sweden:
Bio: Social Networking Guru, Discussing Social Media & Marketing Strategies. Successful Online Marketer since 1994 willing to teach you his methods