The Worst NBA Draft Day Outfits Of All Time

NBA Players have gotten stylish , but that wasn't always the case.

Tim Thomas

Tim Thomas

To say that Tim Thomas' suit was too big for him, would be like saying that Topanga Lawrence was too hot for Corey Matthews. It's true, but it doesn't begin to get at the bigger (heh) issues at play here. It's hard to tell from this photo, but the shirt he's wearing is metallic gray and short sleeved. This may be one explanation for the pained look on his face. That very well could be the look of someone realizing that they look like an ass on national TV. It also might be the look of someone realizing they're headed to New Jersey.

Possible Explanation: Tim Thomas went to the tailor to get measured for this suit, but the tailor lost the measurements. So he had to eyeball it based on what he remembered of Thomas. When you're a regular sized guy like our tailor friend, the difference between 6'10'' (which Thomas is) and 7'2" (which this suit looks made for), doesn't seem all that large.

Erick Dampier

Erick Dampier

Ah Mr. Dampier. Before becoming a contractual albatross around the neck of almsot every franchise who has had the (mis)fortune of paying your salary, you were just a big goofy kid wearing a fuschia suit, checked pants and one of those weird shirts that people in the '90s thought were cool. Simpler times.

Possible Explanation: This was originally a white suit, but on the day of the draft Erick spilled some fuschia Kool-Aid on it. Without time to buy a new jacket, he just made more Kool-Aid and dyed the rest of the suit. You know, like that Mentos commercial only with less benches.

Samaki Walker

Samaki Walker


Possible Explanation: I have it on good authority that Samaki Walker is a time traveller from the 1920s. He had originally come forward to try to find the solution to prohibition, but along the way discovered that he was somewhat athletic. After the 2006 season, it is said that Walker began playing internationally, but anyone who is anyone knows that he traveled back to his own time bringing the game of basketball and a bunch of booze.

Larry Johnson

Larry Johnson

This shirt is one of the greatest things humanity has ever created. I mean sure it looks like multi-colored diarrhea, but if it can turn the badass, number one pick of the NBA draft into the bartender at a luau, then it has some serious power.

Possible Explanation: Larry Johnson had just come from bartending at a luau.

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