Bath Salts Lead To Horrific Animal Abuse

Not that you need another reason to avoid bath salts . Dustin Ricky Harrell today entered a guilty plea in the extraordinarily vicious killing of his family dog, a 4-pound Yorkshire terrier named Honey. He was abusing bath salts at the time. WARNING: Disturbing details of animal abuse.

Dustin Ricky Harrell's mugshot.

Jonesborough, Tennessee — According to investigators and Harrell himself, he entered his parents' room on a night in early November of 2011 and asked if he could take Honey for a walk. Harrell found the 4-pound Yorkie under his parents' bed and dragged her out of the room.

-As his parents slept, Harrell threw Honey down a flight of stairs. Twice.

-Harrell then took Honey into the bathroom, drew a bath, and repeatedly dunked her underwater for 20 second intervals.

-Harrell then threw Honey in a clothes dryer, with nothing else in it, and ran the dryer for nearly 4 minutes.

-As the dog was in the dryer, Harrell did a search for "dog in the dryer" online.

-Harrell removed Honey from the dryer and threw her down the stairs again. This broke Honey's leg. Honey began squealing from pain.

-Harrell, to stop the squealing and prevent her from waking his parents, put painter's tape over Honey's mouth.

-When Honey stopped squealing, Harrell removed the tape and blood trickled from her mouth. She then died in Harrell's arms.

-Honey had been abused and tortured for 4 hours before she died.

Harrell's father later found Honey dead and called Jonesborough police on November 3rd. Harrell was arrested and charged with aggravated animal cruelty.

Harrell this morning entered a plea of guilty and asked the judge for leniency, saying he was addicted to drugs during the time of Honey's murder, including heroin and bath salts. Harrell also pointed to his history of being sexually abused as a child.

Sentencing will begin in July, and Harrell could face up to 2 years in prison.


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