All of these have been determined using a complicated algorithm comprised of the following criteria: Pug satisfaction, dog treat earnings, and projected belly rubs. Oh yeah, you should check out the Daily Beast's human most useless college ranking here .
In just a few weeks litters and litters of college graduates will be thrown out into the real world with one huge question on their minds: what now?
Some, unfortunately, will be saddled with the unsettling feeling that their degree is not marketable in this tough economic environment, but for pugs with a few years to settle on a major, you should definitely check out this list.
Pug satisfaction: 6/10
Dog treat earnings: 2 per hour
Projected belly rubs: 6
Hospitality Management
Pug satisfaction: 3/10
Dog treat earnings: 1.5 per hour (more depending on place of employment)
Projected belly rubs: 3
Via: ilovepugs
Culinary arts
Pug satisfaction: 9/10
Dog treat earnings: 1 per hour
Projected belly rubs: 2