George Clooney Flying Solo And Other Links

Ms. Keibler was conspicuously absent at the White House Corespondents' Dinner. Plus, Stephen King is begging the government to tax him and Marvel is planning for the day when they have to recast Iron Man.

My Little Pony: Friendship is (Terrifying) Magic - [PhotoshopDisasters]

Stephen King says "Tax Me, FFS". Rich people need to stop whining about the IRS. - [TheDailyBeast]

Sometimes Hollywood doesn't know it made a horrible movie. But then again, sometimes it does it on purpose. - [Flavorwire]

MIT created a robotic spider that may weave buildings of the future. - [FastCodesign]

Fear not! The "Total Recall" remake will feature a three-breasted hooker. Cinema is saved. - [GammaSquad]

Tennessee teachers better not let their students hold hands or hug or they might be sued by parents. Because hugging is the gateway activity to SEX. And SEX is bad. SEX. - [TIME]

Landscape paintings are ubiquitous and boring. Solution? Put a monster on it! - [Slate]

Weddings now have technology etiquette because we're figuratively surgically attached to our devices. - [GeekSugar]

Marvel contemplates a future without Robert Downey Jr. as "Iron Man". Blasphemy. - [MTV]

Headline Story: George isn't known for his long, committed relationships and his one year anniversary is fast approaching. Does Stacy have one foot out the door? [Celebitchy]


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