Sandra Bullock Dating Brett Ratner?

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(In Touch)

The new cover of In Touch claims Sandra Bullock has entered a “risky new romance” with director Brett Ratner.

According to the tabloid, two years after her marriage to Jesse James ended, Bullock is “hooking up” with Ratner.

A so-called “eyewitness” claims the pair “definitely looked like they were more than just friends” while supposedly cuddling at an Oscars after-party, adding, “They were together all night, and they ended up with a kiss.”

Ratner’s “bad boy” reputation allegedly has Bullock’s friends upset about her starting to date him.

“But unfortunately, Sandra doesn’t seem to be thinking about that – or for that matter, anything that might happen in the future,” writes the magazine. “As gorgeous as she is, the insecure star is simply happy that someone finds her attractive.”

And In Touch is “simply happy” to print totally baseless rumors as fact.

Bullock and Ratner are NOT dating, and they did NOT hook up at any Oscar night party.

“It’s total bulls**t,” Ratner himself exclusively tells Gossip Cop.

Looks like Bullock’s hasn’t found a new “bad boy” – just bad reporting.

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