In His Best/Worst Video Yet, Herman Cain Shoots A Bunny

The bunny apparently represents small business. “Any questions?”


Cain's email to supporters:

Friends, patriots, and budding video superstars;

The Smoking man video? A Goldfish who Twitters? You think we’re through?

HAH! - We're just getting started, my friends. That’s right: A brand new, take-no-prisoners video is available for your viewing and forwarding pleasure. And this one picks right up where we left off on our theme of “Sick of Stimulus” – and may even go a bit farther. Take a look and you decide!

And the minute you've finished watching it the second time through (you won't believe it the first time), quickly forward it to all your friends on Facebook, Twitter and wherever else you can think of – THEN – watch the fireworks…

Now listen up: This “Sick of Stimulus” thing has gotten so crazy, I've decided to take it to the next level and actually let you participate in the making of future videos. (I know that’s nuts, but this is your chance, so don't hesitate.)

Go to and tell us your idea for why you are tired of more federal debt, crazy deficits and wasteful government spending. We have a habit of tweaking everybody from PETA to MSNBC to The White House, so think outside the box, let it fly, and have no fear. That’s the Cain way of doing things.

And if you haven't done it already, surf over to to get involved in The Solutions Revolution. Sign up to receive the latest in news and events and learn how you can participate in this innovative organization today.


Your friend as always,

Herman Cain


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