With just two weeks to go until Bachelor Ben Flajnik hands out his final rose, all eyes are on finalist Courtney Robertson -- and with good reason.
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On Monday's Women Tell All Bachelor special episode, the bachelorettes subjected to Robertson's cruel, unkind remarks take aim at the finalist (who's up against Lindzi Cox), without holding anything back.
"I wish you would retract all the things you said about me," eliminated bachelorette Blakeley Shea, a VIP cocktail waitress, fumes at Robertson. "You called me a stripper on national television and it hurt my feelings."
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Breaking down in tears, model Robertson, 28, was moved to apologize. "I'm sorry," she says in the preview clip above. "I take it all back."
Though Shea specifically searches out an apology on Monday's episode, she wasn't the only woman who fell victim to Robertson's hurtful putdowns this season on the ABC hit.
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When Robertson earned the opportunity to introduce 29-year-old Flajnik to her family in Scottsdale, Ariz., on the show's February 20 episode, the brazen reality star felt she had it all wrapped up.
Says a source: "She didn't see any competition from, in her words, Horsey, Fatty and the Kid" -- her secret nicknames for Cox, Nicki Sterling and Kacie Bogouskie, respectively.
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And holding a mock wedding ceremony with Flajnik on that episode wasn't enough for Robertson, who oohed and ached over wedding dresses at the Mark Zunino dress shop in L.A. Wednesday simply for "attention."
The Bachelor's Women Tell All episode airs Monday at 8 p.m. (EST) on ABC.