Truth rating: 1
10:23 pm, January 19th, 2012
Kelly Osbourne is lashing out on Twitter at a RadarOnline report that claims the TV personality has “fallen off the wagon.”
According to the site’s sources, Osbourne was seen heavily drinking at last week’s Art of Elysium gala.
“Kelly was so wasted,” says one so-called “eyewitness,” who adds, “At one point she almost fell back and I had to catch her!”
It’s worth noting that Radar’s original story claimed Osbourne’s alleged antics took place at a Golden Globes after-party – which she wasn’t even at.
Still, another “insider” says Osbourne’s supposed boozing wasn’t a one-time thing.
“Kelly is definitely off the wagon again — at least when it comes to drinking,” says the snitch. “I’ve seen her out drinking cocktails, beer and champagne numerous times, and I’ve seen her pretty unsteady on her feet too.”
The “Fashion Police” co-host has made no secret of her past problems with alcohol – but has also been open about her efforts at sobriety.
And, according to Osbourne, she is far from “off the wagon.”
“If I want to have a drink them [sic] Im going to have a drink Im 27 years old!” Osbourne tweeted Thursday night.
She added, “Was their story true? NO! is it anyones business NO? #GiveMeABreak!”
Osbourne went on to explain she’s worked too “hard to go and f–ck my life up agin [sic] you a–holes! and thats quite frankly all i have to say on this stupid subject!”
Case closed.
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